Sacred Geometry Meaning
Sacred Geometry  explains how energy patterns exist all around us and form fundamental templates for life in the Universe. It reveals that there are mathematical, or abstract patterns beneath everything that we see in the physical world, and encoded in those patterns is all the information we could ever need to elevate ourselves to our highest potential. 

 sacred geometry universe

Sacred Geometry patterns, creation of the universe, creation of life. 

Galileo, the Italian physicist, mathematician, and astronomer who used mathematics to build a telescope and proved to the world that earth actually circled around the sun once said: "Mathematics is the alphabet with which God has written the universe." And in a way, he is correct. Humans didn't create math, we discovered it. 

leonardo davinci

Leonardo Da Vinci, Vetruvian Man within the Sacred Flower of Life. 

Over hundreds if not thousands of years artists, musicians, and philosophers have transferred the power of sacred geometry in their work, including Leonardo Da Vinci and Pythagoras. The famed composer Mozart used the Golden Ratio for his musical compositions. The Sacred Spiral, which reflects the Fibonacci Sequence, is found in many forms of nature from simple pinecones, to a snail shell, to the most complex organism to walk this planet: the human body.


sacred geometry

 Sacred Geometry found in nature

About Sacred Geometry Collection
Our Sacred Geometry Collection works on aligning one's heart, mind and spirit to the Source of creation, or the Universe. Higher frequencies of energy and awareness are transmitted through these sacred patterns. So, find the right geometric pattern for you, and channel the power of the universe to create what your heart desires.  

 flower of life necklace

Sacred Flower of Life Necklace, Sacred Geometry Collection 


  Learn more about Sacred Geometry